Open science
Open science and archivation facilitate the creation, preservation, and distribution of knowledge, for all mankind.
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Open science
Open science and open access to scientific publications are crucial for development and innovation. It's borderline impossible to measure how much potential is lost to the current publishing model with an expensive paywall. We write about open science and how it streamlines research and facilitates cooperation.
Digital piracy
Computer visionaries imagined an interconnected world with knowledge available to everyone everywhere. This concept was embodied in Google Books, Internet Archive, and other initiatives aimed at collecting print and digital books and documents.

We write about the people and projects aiming to change outdated and restrictive copyright laws, outplay them, or break them for all the mankind.
Futurists expected digital knowledge to last forever, but it's even more fragile than physical media. Without archivation, a mere server failure can destroy a whole layer of our digital-first culture. Digital preservation saves our history for future generations.